For Windows Users only

Downloading Core FTP LE

To download the program:

  1. Go to:

  2. When the Free FTP client software for Windows page appears, click on the words "Download Core FTP now!"

  3. On the Download options page, under Core FTP LE 2.x: free version, click an appropriate link to launch the download:

    1. If you have a 64-bit version of Windows, click either of the 64-bit links.
    2. If you have a 32-bit version of Windows, click either of the 32-bit links.

    3. If you're not sure which version you have, right-click the Computer icon on your desktop and choose Properties. The Properties window will indicate whether your operating system is 64-bit or 32-bit.

  4. In the File Download window, click Run.

  5. If you see a Security Warning window, click Run.

  6. In the Core FTP LE 2.x Installation window, keep clicking Next on each page to accept the default settings.  On the last page, click Finish.

  7. The Installer window will close automatically, and you should now see a new Core FTP LE icon on your desktop. Double-click on the icon to launch the program.

Upload a file from PC to the server

Launch the Coreftp program from your windows pc. To get started, please follow the steps below

    For our Linux Hosting Servers, uploading content is allowed only through SFTP.

  1. Once CoreFTP is setup, run the program and in the site manager fill the following fields:
    1. Site Name - Here you can enter the server IP address or hostname
    2. Host/IP/Url - Please use server IP address
    3. username - root
    4. password - please enter the root password you received from us for the server
    5. Port - Set the Port to 22
    6. Connection - Select the SSH/SFTP option from the Connection drop-down menu
  2. Click on connect and it will provide the key for secure transfer. Accept the key and you are now ready to browse the server directory and to upload/download files.

Changing Settings

Core FTP's SSH/SFTP option isn't exactly SFTP, it's actually FTP over a SSH channel. In order to activate true SFTP in Core FTP you have to select SSH/SFTP for the connection type and go to Advanced (next to the host/ip/url) -> SSH and check "Use Putty compatible SFTP".

1. Click the Advanced button next to the HOST / IP / URL field you see in the above image.

2. Under the SSH section, disable the Simulate ASCII mode for SFTP option and enable the Use Putty compatible SFTP option.

3. Click OK in the above screen to save the settings.

Connecting to Server

In Site Manager windows, click on the Connect button.

You will see a pop-up window below. This is a feature of the SSH protocol. It is designed to protect you against a network attack known as "spoofing" - secretly redirecting your connection to a different computer, so that they can get your password. Click Yes to continue.

In the Core FTP window, the local system (your PC) appears on the left window and the remote system appears on the right window.


To upload a file from PC to the server, choose your destination directory on the right window. Your website files should be uploaded to the public directory as shown in above image.

The file directory structure shows /srv (server) /users (user) /serverpilot (this is where serverpilot controls your websites) /apps (apps also means websites) /cloudrive (your example website folder name) /public (this is the folder which will be shown to anyone who browse your site)

Transferring files (upload/download)

Once you have established a connection to a server, you can now start transferring files between your computer and the remote server.

In this example, we will go through the steps to upload a file to a website. When creating a website, you have to upload your web pages to the FTP server so that the rest of the internet can view them via a web browser. One of the more common files you will deal with is an index.html file. This file is the first file that will be browsed when someone goes to visit your website.

Your files on your computer are displayed in the local directory listing which is on the left side of the screen. This tutorial assumes you know how to locate your files on your hard drive. Many web page editors will put your files in your "My Documents" or other easy to find places.

To upload a file to the server, all you have to do is select (highlight) the index.html file in the local directory listing, and then click on the upload button. You can alternatively right click on the selected file, and select upload, or click and drag the file over to the remote directory listing.

Once you have pressed the upload button, Core FTP will transfer the file to the remote server. When the transfer is complete, you should see the remote file in the remote directory listing. If the file has been uploaded to the server successfully, it can now be viewed in a web browser.

That's all there is to it! Assuming your domain is setup up and pointed to your FTP server's directory, you should see your html file displayed ( at To download a file, simply select the files in the remote directory listing, and hit the download button.

In this example, the file already exists in the local directory listing. Select 'overwrite' if you want to overwrite the file. Overwriting will replace the file. If you do not wish to overwrite the file, hit cancel.

Editing Files on the server

Once you have connected to a FTP server, you can easily edit files by right clicking on the file of your choice, and selecting "EDIT". By default most applications should pop up in their default editor, ready to edit. Examples:

Microsoft Word or Write for .DOC files. HTML Editors for .HTML or .HTM files. ".DOC" and ".HTM" are examples of file extensions. They associate an application with a program.

If you are using a default Windows installation without any applications installed, you will have to select the appropriate editor by yourself. One of the most common issues is adding the ability to edit .html files without having some sort of HTML editor installed. Trying to edit a .HTM or .HTML file without an editor selected will bring up Internet Explorer by default. To get around this issue, enter the following information.

Go to the "File Associations" option in options - extensions or via the menu options. You should see the following screen.

core ftp edit files

In this setup, you can see that .html and .xml files have been associated with notepad.exe. To add other applications, add the extension in the "extension" box (IE: .HTM), then enter the executable (IE: notepad.exe), and click on the "ADD" button. Once you have entered this information, you should see the new association listed.

When selecting an application, you can select an executable by typing it in, or selecting the "..." button and searching for it manually. Now, hit OK, and return to the remote file listing. When selecting "EDIT" with a newly associated file, the application you added should start in a new window, along with the file you selected.

Currently most applications should work without problems. It is not recommended you use Write or WordPad (write.exe).

How to change File Permissions(chmod)

There are times when you would like to change the file or directory permissions for your files or folders. The reason could be security or that some software's require certain file to be editable.

This can be very simple to achieve using a FTP (File Transfer Protocol) program.

1. Open Core FTP
2. Connect to your website.
3. Once connected, go to the file or folder you wish you change permissions of.
4. Right click on the file or folder and click Properties

Now from this tab you can change the User, Group and World's Read... Write and Execute permissions. Just click ok after you are done.

Recommended File Permissions
