
A guide to Filemanager/Filegator Features

Filemanager/FileGator features overview Upload multiple files simultaneously with Ajax and...

Can I add some actions after file is uploaded? like send an email notification or change the file-name?

Yes, look for this line in filegator/include/blueimp/server/php/upload.class.php...

Can I download a folder?

You cannot download entire folder directly but you can zip a folder and download this zip archive...

How can I change default sorting?

Default sort is by ‘name’, ascending. If you want to change that open include/file-gator.php...

How can I change how long the user will be logged in before session expires?

FileGator respects session lifetime settings defined on your server.If you wish to change that...

How can I search through all the folders?

You can filter files in the current folder using search box at the top. To find a file in other...

How to Increase File Upload Limits in PHP

If you receive errors when uploading files or images to your app, you can increase the file size...

How to create a .user.ini file

Alert: For Control Panel Help & Tutorials, click here: Panel Tutorials

I forgot my Filemanager/Filegator admin password.

To reset your admin password upload recoverpass.php from this archive to your filegator folder...

I have problems when dealing with large files and folders

If you're dealing with large directories with many files or if files are really big then your PHP...

Is Filemanager/Filegator secure?

Allowing users to access your server and files can lead to security risks. That’s why FileGator...

Is it possible to grant several users access to the same files?

Absolutely, you can create two (or more) different users on the same folder, one with full...

When I hit the “folder-structure”-symbol I see a pop-up saying “Please wait…”

It will take some time to generate full tree if you have 50+ folders and it will fail if script...

When login as admin, it’s redirecting me to login page

This sounds like a php session problem (server cannot issue/save cookie properly). Check your...