There are several reasons why you may be getting errors when trying to login to your WordPress dashboard. We will go over a few of the common ones.

WordPress login disabled

If you are getting this error, it is because there have been too many failed logins on your dashboard. Our automated systems have disabled your WordPress admin to prevent your site from being compromised due to WordPress brute force attacks. To resolve this issue, we recommend you increase the security measures utilized on your WordPress site. (Click the link below for tips on how to make your site more secure.)

Username or password is incorrect

Many times, users simply forget their passwords. Luckily, we have written an excellent article on resetting your WordPress password. Click the link below.

Problems with Security Apps

It has been reported that some login issues may occur due to the Windows Defender Firewall and Bit Defender Antivirus applications.

The particular behavior is characterized by the login page refusing to accept the correct password/user. This behavior occurs when the login repeatedly reappears regardless of the login credentials used.

If you are using Windows Defender Firewall, BitDefender Antivirus, or a combination of these applications, then you will need to whitelist the website the affected URL in both applications to resolve the issue.

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